As mentioned
in my other posts, one of my difficulties was trying to ask questions to the
TAs, especially due to conflicts with my timetable and office hours. However,
in order to present project one, I took substantial advantage of the office
hours provided. Although there were many students seeking for help, the
instructors and TAs managed to answer the variety of questions that students
had. In addition to project help, I also asked about the Sierpinski images that
had me confused last time. My confusion in those definitions lied on the use of
recursion to form an image based on previous one. After talked with the TA about
how you can use the function that you are defining, in the body of the
definition; Sierpinski images made more sense to me.
During that week, we moved from string lists to colors, which in my perspective is one of the more interesting topics in the course. In Dr.Racket color can be represented in two different ways: with a string, such as “black”, or with the use of a list. In order to be a list of colors, it should be composed for 3 to 4 numbers. The first 3 numbers represent the colors: red, green and blue, respectively and the lasts number opacity. The reason why this topic seems fascinating for me is because we can alter the looks of an image with the use of functions for colors. For instance, during class we swap the color of a fish image from a red-ish tonality to blue. This change was made possible through the use of functions such as colors->image and image->color. We used the mentioned functions to create a definition which was able to swap the red color of the original image to the blue color. Additionally, we created a monochromatic version of the image changing all the colors of the image to their average value. Basically, through these examples, we learned that if we want to make changes to the color of an image, or simply we want more color options, using the list definition of a color is more accurate to play around with different functions, as the ones stated above.
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